Monday, March 26, 2018


What do these people have in common: George Martinek, Susan Hannoun, Lori Boyle, Bernadette Gietka, Neal Wanless, and Bob Guerzon? Answer: They are all lottery millionaires. They, along with thousands of people every year, defy the odds and win the lotto jackpot. We hear about jackpot winners every week on the news. But have you ever considered how many new millionaires are created by the lottery each year? How many people win at least a million dollars?

According to the TLC television show, "The Lottery Changed My Life," more than 1600 new lottery millionaires are created each year. That doesn't include people that have won jackpots of, say, $100,000 because than the number would be much higher. Still, 1600 is quite a high number.

If 1600 win at least a million in the lotto every year, it means that there are more than 130 each month, more than 30 each week, and more than 4 each day. That's a lot of winners.

Perhaps you're inspired by these numbers. Perhaps you think that since there are so many big lottery winners, you're time will come one day. I don't mean to crash the party, but perhaps you should think again. The odds of winning a million dollar jackpot are bad. 1600 yearly jackpot winners isn't that big of a number when you consider how many people actually play. Hundreds of millions of people buy billions of lottery tickets each year and only a small fraction of those people actually win a big jackpot.

Don't get discouraged, though. The lottery is a game of random luck and you might get lucky one day and become a new lottery millionaire. Good luck!


Sunday, March 18, 2018

mejor clinica injerto capilar españa

¿Estás planeando hacerte un trasplante de cabello? Si respondió que sí, entonces esta guía está escrita solo para usted. En esta guía, hemos aclarado algunas preguntas principales que necesitan respuestas claras para que comprenda exactamente lo que espera de este trasplante.

Explicación del trasplante capilar

Esta cirugía es un proceso invasivo ambulatorio mínimo que le permite al paciente recuperar el cabello perdido de los nuevos folículos trasplantados en su cabeza. Este tratamiento implica un procedimiento en el que los folículos capilares de un lado de la cabeza (u otra parte del cuerpo) conocidos como sitio donante se extirpan y se trasplantan al sitio calvo o receptor.

¿Quién puede optar por un trasplante de cabello?

Cualquier hombre o mujer que experimente calvicie, alopecia por tracción, alopecia en retroceso, traumatismo craneal o calvicie de patrón masculino puede optar por esta cirugía y recuperar el vello permanente una vez más. Hombres que sufren de calvicie de patrón masculino, hombres o mujeres que perdieron su cabello debido a accidentes de fuego. Los hombres son conscientes de que los medicamentos y las drogas no los ayudarán a recuperar su cabello.

Procedimientos de trasplante capilar

El trasplante de cabello se realiza de dos maneras. Una es la Extracción de Unidad Folicular o FUE y la otra es el Trasplante de Unidad Folicular o FUT. A continuación hay un resumen:

Extracción de unidades foliculares: FUE o extracción de unidades foliculares es el procedimiento de trasplante más popular de las dos cirugías. La razón detrás de esto es que es menos invasivo y el tiempo de inactividad es casi mínimo. En FUE, el cirujano cosecha manualmente cada folículo capilar individual del área donante en el área necesaria. Este proceso también se conoce como injerto. Si se hace correctamente, se logra una apariencia natural y uniforme.

Trasplante de unidad folicular: FUT o trasplante de unidad folicular es el proceso del cirujano que extrae una tira de piel con folículos pilosos unidos desde el área donante al área receptora. La piel se divide en pequeños pedazos de injertos y se implanta uno por uno en el área receptora.

Explicación de injerto

Un injerto es la extracción de una tira de piel del área del donante que se extirpa quirúrgicamente sin tocar el suministro de sangre. Una vez implantado en el área del receptor, la piel desarrolla un nuevo suministro de sangre.

Duración del trasplante de cabello

Aunque esto se verifica según el procedimiento, sin embargo, la cirugía tarda entre 4 y 8 horas.

Resultados previstos

Justo después de la segunda o tercera semana, el cabello trasplantado tiende a caerse. Esta etapa se conoce como "pérdida de choque" y es completamente normal. A veces, los pacientes experimentan caída de cabello de áreas que no fueron tocadas durante la cirugía.

Para la semana 6 u 8, aproximadamente del 85% al ​​95% del cabello habrá crecido con el engrosamiento del cabello después de cada ciclo de crecimiento. El ciclo de crecimiento es aproximadamente cada 6 semanas, dependiendo de la condición de salud del paciente. Para el sexto mes, se puede ver el resultado y, a los 12 meses, se puede ver el resultado final completo de su tratamiento. Para entonces, tendrás una gloria suprema para presumir.
mejor clinica injerto capilar españa

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

boat rental marina del rey

Every family fights over where to go and what to do for the summer vacation. Even if your family is extra picky on what they like to do for their vacation, I can guarantee they will all find something to enjoy when they are all together on their own boat this summer. There are just so many different activities that you can do - fishing, sailing, sun tanning, and water sports such as wakeboarding, tubing, water skiing and many more.

If you do not want to shell out all of the money to buy a boat, but you still want to be able to enjoy one every now and again, there is a solution. Renting or chartering a boat or a sailboat is a lot easier than it sounds. If renting would suit your purposes more, there are many places around every body of water that will rent you a boat. These places usually charge by the hour, day, week and even month in some cases. The rates are usually reasonable and you can pick a boat that will suit your purposes and have some fun.

If you wish to enjoy your vacation in another way, you may want to charter a boat. Paying for a charter is different than renting, and chartering is very similar to going on a cruise. Most charter companies have a minimum passenger requirement, and some boats will go out for as little as a three day charter. A charter can cost as low as $1000 and as much as $10,000, depending on destination. If you choose to charter a boat or sailboat you will most likely be cooking and cleaning up after yourselves, which is one way that a charter differs from a cruise! Charters come with many of the amenities that cruises do - you just have to pay extra for them in most cases.

Most boat rental companies do require renters to have their boating license, to guarantee the safety of their product, so if you do not have one of these it would be a good idea to take the test week before your planned vacation. However, these places usually charge more money for insurance, just as car rental companies do. I would recommend purchasing insurance, unless your car insurance company covers recreational vehicle rentals in your policy.

Renting a boat is affordable and best suited for you and your family for a few days in the summer. If you have a couple of families who would like to vacation with yours then a charter would be the best way to go. You get the luxury of a cruise with more privacy and control.

boat rental marina del rey